Ders AdıKoduVerildiği YılVerildiği YarıyılSüresi (T+U)Yerel KredisiAKTS Kredisi
Hidrolik Yapıların ProjelendirilmesiCE 4773 + 035,00
Ders Bilgileri
Dersin Öğretim Diliİngilizce
Dersin SeviyesiLisans
Dersin TürüSeçmeli
Dersin Veriliş BiçimiYüz Yüze
Dersin Öğrenme Kazanımları:

Bu dersi başarı ile tamamlayan öğrenciler:
1. 1. The students will have detailed knowledge about the types and parts of hydraulic structures, and their importance in hydraulic engineering.
2. 2. The students will be able to select the optimum design discharge in designing hydraulic structures and learn design procedures
3. 3. The students will be able to apply design principles for diversion structures, bottom outlets, spillway structures, energy dissipators and intake structures.
Dersin Önkoşulları ve Birlikte Alınması Gereken DerslerCE-371
Daha Önce Alınmış Olması Önerilen DerslerYok
Dersin Tanımı:

The course covers the following topics: Introduction to hydraulic structures and dam design concepts. Design of; diversion structures, bottom outlets, spillways and energy dissipators and intake structures. Hydraulic losses, vortex formation, control gates and valves.
Dersin İçeriği (Haftalık Konu Dağılımı):
1Introduction; scope of the course, types, parts and construction purposes of dams
2Design of diversion structures; determination of design discharge and number of diversion tunnels
3Optimization of diversion structure’s dimensions, hydraulics of diversion structures, design procedure
4Design of bottom outlets; purpose of bottom outlets, determination of design discharge, design principles and hydraulic
5Considerations, flow types and discharge equation, air entrainment and cavitation
6Design of spillway structures; general considerations, determination of design discharge
7Overflow type spillway structures
8Frontal, side, labyrinth and shaft spillways
9Outlet type spillway structures (free fall, chute, and stepped spillways)
10Dissipation structures (stilling basins, plunge pools, trajectory basins)
11Design of intake structures; general considerations, determination of design discharge
12Hydraulic components, conveyance intakes
13Side, frontal and drop intakes
14Reservoir intakes; high head and low head intakes
Instructor’s course notes
Diğer Kaynaklar:
Vischer, D.L. and Hager, W.H., Dam Hydraulics, Wiley & Sons., 1998 Novak, P., Moffat,, A.I.B., Nalluri, C. and Narayanan, R., Hydraulic Structures, Taylor & Francis, 2007 Roberson, J.A., Cassidy, J.J. and Chaudhry, M.N., Hydraulic Engineering, Wiley & Sons., 1998 Khatsuria, R.M., Hydraulics of Spillways and Energy Dissipators, Marcel Dekker , 2005 Şentürk, F., Hydraulics of Dams and Reservoirs, Water Resources Publications, 1994
Öğretim Yöntem ve Teknikleri:
Ara sınavlar, ödevler ve final sınavı
Değerlendirme Sistemi:
YöntemAdetKatkı (%)
Ara sınav1%30
Final Sınavı1%50
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