Ders AdıKoduVerildiği YılVerildiği YarıyılSüresi (T+U)Yerel KredisiAKTS Kredisi
Kentsel Siyaset, Politika ve PlanlamaCRP 3893 + 033,00
Ders Bilgileri
Dersin Öğretim Diliİngilizce
Dersin SeviyesiLisans
Dersin TürüSeçmeli
Dersin Veriliş BiçimiYüz Yüze
Dersin Öğrenme Kazanımları:

Bu dersi başarı ile tamamlayan öğrenciler:
1. To introduce basic discussions and conceptualizations on urban politics, urban policy and public policy
2. To uncover the complex processes of decision-making and planning at the local scale
3. To provide basic knowledge on the national/regional and local power structures on local decision-making processes
4. To further develop critical thinking skills on recent urban policy challenges and urbanization/planning problems
5. To gain practical and theoretical knowledge on Turkey’s local/urban politics dynamics
6. To explain the relationship between local politics and policy making as well as
7. To evaluate policy solutions in the areas of growth, poverty, migration and democracy
8. To understand the basics of urban governance regimes and participatory decision making and planning
Dersin Önkoşulları ve Birlikte Alınması Gereken DerslerYok
Daha Önce Alınmış Olması Önerilen DerslerYok
Dersin Tanımı:

This course is designed to uncover the administrative dimension of urban policy and planning processes, to get to know the policy-making actors at the urban scale with their differing roles, and to discuss the relationship between power and politics behind decision-making dynamics at the local/urban scale.
Dersin İçeriği (Haftalık Konu Dağılımı):
1Introduction to the course - Basic concepts
2Urban policy as public policy
3Urban politics in historical perspective
4Analysis of the political processes and decision-making at the local level The role of leadership in urban politics - Urban political leadership
5Theories of urban governance and urban coalitions
6Multi-level governance and urban rescaling
8Urban Politics and Policy Issues in The Global Era: Urban democracy and participation
9Urban Politics and Policy Issues in The Global Era: Urban poverty, social exclusion, socio-spatial segregation
10Urban Politics and Policy Issues in The Global Era: Local economic development and growth
11Urban Politics and Policy Issues in The Global Era: Migration, intra-urban mobilities and population flows
12Urban Politics and Policy Issues in The Global Era: Massive urbanization and large-scale investments on urban built environment (Mini Quiz)
13The dynamics of urban politics, planning processes and policy-making at the local/urban scale in Turkey
14The assessment of central/local actors shaping the planning processes and policy-making at the local/urban scale in Turkey
Levine, M. A. Urban Politics: Cities and Suburbs in a Global Age Routledge 2020 978-1138604346 Saunders, P. Urban Politics: A Sociological Interpretation Routledge 2013 978-0415851879 Davies, J.S. ve Imbroscio, D. L. Theories of Urban Politics Sage 2008 978-1412921626 Fainstein, N. I. ve Fainstein, S. S. Urban Policy under Capitalism Sage 1982 978-0803917972
Diğer Kaynaklar:
Şengül, T. Kentsel Siyaset ve Çelişki Imge 2009 978-9755336077
Öğretim Yöntem ve Teknikleri:
The instructor delivers lectures throughout the fourteen weeks. In each course, the instructor opens up theoretical discussions, introduces the main concepts regarding the topic of the week and at the end of the class leaves the floor to students to understand their reactions, comments and contributions to the topics discussed. Students’ performance is evaluated by a mini-quiz, mid-term and a final exam. Students’ participation to discussions during the lectures are also evaluted.
Değerlendirme Sistemi:
YöntemAdetKatkı (%)
Ara sınav1%35
Sınıf Katılımı1%5
Final Sınavı1%45
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