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Yazılım MimarisiSENG 326323 + 035,00
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Dersin Öğrenme Kazanımları:

Bu dersi başarı ile tamamlayan öğrenciler:
1. Understand and discuss the role of architecture design in modern software development methodologies.
2. Identify and prioritize architecturally relevant requirements and use them to select an initial architecture for a system.
3. Make use of architectural styles and views to design a software architecture, and also to present, discuss, and evaluate a given architectural design.
4. Evaluate domain and business change related constraints on a "live" architecture, and modify an architecture incrementally.
Dersin Önkoşulları ve Birlikte Alınması Gereken DerslerYok
Daha Önce Alınmış Olması Önerilen DerslerYok
Dersin Tanımı:

Views and Viewpoints, Modularity and Component-Based Thinking, Architectural Styles, Architecture Characteristics, Technologies that Every Software Architect must know.
Dersin İçeriği (Haftalık Konu Dağılımı):
2Views and Viewpoints
3Modularity and Component-Based Thinking
4Layered Architecture and Pipeline Architecture
5Microkernel Architecture and Service-based Architecture
6Event-Driven Architecture and Space-based Architecture
7Orchestration-Driven SOA and Microservices Architecture
8Architecture Characteristics
9Architecture Characteristics
10Mobile Applications, Rich Client and Rich Web Applications
11Web Applications and Service Applications
12Big Data Applications, IoT Applications and Blockchain
13Things Every Software Architect Should Know
Fundamentals of Software Architecture: An Engineering Approach, 2020, Mark Richards, Neal Ford
Diğer Kaynaklar:
Software Architecture Patterns 2nd Edition, Mark Richards, O’Reilly Media, August 2022, ISBN 978-1-098-13427-3
Öğretim Yöntem ve Teknikleri:
Lectures Tutorials Project Presentation Assignments
Değerlendirme Sistemi:
YöntemAdetKatkı (%)
Ara sınav1%20
Final Sınavı1%30
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